0403 599 715

Warringah Juniors

League Age Groups

U8 Tee Ball

Under 8 learn throwing and catching, playing in a team and the game of baseball while hitting off a tee

Tee Ball

Under 9 learn throwing and catching and the game of baseball while hitting off a tee


After players have experienced and learned the basics of the game in Tee-Ball they progress to hitting a moving ball, pitched by a Zooka machine

Little League Minor

Little league minor builds on the skills learned in Zooka and Tee ball but with the inclusion of live pitching.

Little League Major

A step closer to adult baseball, with slightly modified rules and field size.

Junior League

Live pitch baseball for players aged 12-14

How & When to Register

Registrations is done via game day and will open in August


General Info

Want to Join Warringah Baseball?

Registrations for the 2024-2025 season are open now.
Please visit our Facebook page for the latest updates