0403 599 715

Codes of Conduct

Please take the time to review our Parents and Players’ Codes of Conduct below. Thank you!

Please read through the Warringah Baseball Club Players Code of Conduct with your child playing baseball and ask them to agree to all the points below:

Players Code of Conduct

Please read through the Warringah Baseball Club Players’ Code of Conduct with your child and ask them to agree to all the point below:

  • I will play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.
  • I will listen to and act on what my coach tells me to do.
  • I will play by the rules and respect the decision of the umpire.
  • I will be a good sport and cheer for all players whether they are on our team or the other team.
  • I will respect and use my manners with fellow players, coaches and umpires.
  • I will care for and respect the equipment.
  • I will let my coach know about any illness and injury I have.
  • I will hustle on and off the field and pay attention during the game.
  • If I have a problem with another player, I will tell my coach, who will help me out.
  • If I have a problem with my coach, I will tell my parents, who will help me out.
  • I will put in my best effort during training and games.

Parents Code of Conduct

Please read through the Warringah Baseball Club Parents’ Code of Conduct and agree to the points below:

  • I will not pressure my child in any way – I know that this is their game not mine.
  • I will show respect to players, coaches, umpires and other spectators.
  • I will encourage my child to play within the rules and respect umpires’ and coaches’ decisions – no matter what.
  • I will teach my child to respect the efforts of their opponents.
  • I will remember that children learn best by example so I will applaud good plays by both my child’s team and their opponents.
  • I will give positive comments that motivate and encourage continued effort of all players.
  • I will focus on my child’s efforts and performance – not the score.
  • I will help when asked by a coach or umpire.
  • I will raise any issues with the coach in the first instance, then with the club.

Want to Join Warringah Baseball?

Registrations for the 2024-2025 season are open now.
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